lauantai 26. maaliskuuta 2011

Gas Mask Project, pt. 3

Ok long story short; I was given a few old and worn-out gas masks so I could do something crafty with them.
At least two of them should be transforming into lamps. Previous posts show some repair made to one badly torn mask, and emptying another one's filter can.

Today I got latter one's wall mounting quite figured out, so it lacks only electricity stuff and some finishing touch anymore. Here's how it looks like:

 Yeah, it still has "finishing touch"-sized hole in it but it works.

There it is :)

..and there... -_- zzzzzzzzz
*ahem* well anyway it went on today.

 Because I was too lazy to spent 15 minutes to walk back and forth to buy the cables (well it _was_ snowing and the wind was cold and so on), I spent 30 minutes to photoshop this coool preview pic instead:

I also made a couple of PS quickies on a possible paint job for that "oh-once-he-was-torn-but-now-he's-whole-again"- mask:

It lacks it's filter can, but these are older pics. And it's not dry yet.

To be continued, some day.
Should work with some other stuff before it, and wait until I have money for the cables, lamps and so on.. so, pre-orders are taken! (especially ones with pre-payment!)... anyone? You sir, with the sailor jacket..? No..?! Dammit.

T out.

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