sunnuntai 22. toukokuuta 2011

Digital drawing

I had time for once, so I tried drawing/painting in Photoshop. I still haven't got myself a drawing pad, so it's pure mousework...
This is the quick doodle I started with:

It was supposed to be female..

Well anyway, this is how it turned out:

It has something very Lovecraft-ish in it. Now I'm waiting for
a) Nightmares
b) Seeing this dude in real life some day
c) Bumping into some dusty old book and finding this man's picture in it.

Either way, I'm quite happy with my first try :P

sunnuntai 15. toukokuuta 2011


Yesterday I got my self this vintage barber's chair:

NOT about to start producing meat for pies, strictly for tattooing purposes!


I finally did it: got registered to!
I'm starting with my most popular AK-47 pendant but more stuff coming later on.

Go here and shop your asses off:

sunnuntai 1. toukokuuta 2011

Crossbow project, part 1

While in Eastern Finland, I also started to make a crossbow. Here what I got done:

There's the general shape for the stock and raw-cut holes for the trigger mechanism.
To be continued, err, some time.

Easter Paganism

So, I spent Easter in the East, at my hometown. I also went to my family's summer cottage and took some pics of my primitive activities:

View from the beach over the Lake Saimaa. Other Lake shots at deviantART.

The Cottage, shot from the beach

Reindeer antlers on the wall of the Aitta. It's just decoration, there are no reindeers in the Southeastern Finland..

Oil lamp next to Herr Reindeer

Also dug out my old archery equipment! Had really good time with them.. I'm seriously thinking of starting to shoot again.

..and that cool violin case!

With arrow holders...

..and, err.. my newest toy..

Then I grilled some lamb chops. *drool*

After gnawing them to the bone I felt obliged to arrange them in a paganic fashion.