tiistai 6. joulukuuta 2011

Airship project #6

Some more boarding done

I also started to prepare an (experimental) structure for the actual balloon.
It should be Zeppelin-shaped and as light as possible, so I decided to try a technique I recently heard of:

My mother had seen some dude, who made sculptures by rolling tiny, tight tubes of newspaper and then attaching them to each other with thread and glue.
This technique allows lightweight structures that still have strength to support considerable linear stress, and can be constructed in same way as traditional Finnish christmas decoration, straw-made "himmeli" (see photo). Besides, material suits a zero-budget project like this...

I did a few tubes to try it out. These are relatively thick and have many layers in them. Still, each piece required a piece of newspaper that was roughly the final length (a bit shorter actually) and about 7 centimeters wide. Add a couple of drops of paper glue and you can think how light these are compared to their strength:

That's one page of Helsingin Sanomat.

I also drew a sketch to plan on the cross-section for the balloon so I could make a test "slice" of the structure:

This has 16 surfaces for the covering,  I think that's close enough to round.
Haven't tried it yet, stay tuned.

This paper structure - if it seems to work - will take lots of time to complete but I'm quite excited.

torstai 1. joulukuuta 2011

Airship project #5

Today I reached a couple of remarkable stages: I started boarding the sides an made the main deck.
Here you go:

First board glued. I'm a bit proud of those wire holders, invented them myself.

Fitting a paper model of the deck

Fitting the actual deck. It's made of same stuff as the sides.
I know it'd be  HUGE if one was to think in realistic scale..
well I'm not, this is a fantasy project.
Besides I'm associating this more with old sailors' time-killing activities
than precise modelmaking.

Couple of other views of the deck.
It's starting to look like a ship, little by little :)

Finally I glued second boards to each side.
The front side's curve is a bitch to bend so it'll need heavy adjusting later.

keskiviikko 30. marraskuuta 2011

Airship project #4

Last night I went to get a mounting table for a circular saw from my family's summer cottage where it was stored (while I was there I took this series of Alchemist's laboratory- photos for my project. More in Facebook)
and made some boards for the sides:

Kids. This is why you should always stand off from
the sawing line. This is about 5 meters behind me.

Today I'll start figuring out how to glue these boards to places. I prepared to this by taping the other side to get a clue how it might work:

It might work like this.
The medieval chick is from fairytale book, I took pictures of them because
there are some kick-ass illustrations. She's there just to fill in the empty square..
don't think too much.

maanantai 28. marraskuuta 2011

Test tube rack

Something like five years ago I bought five test tubes from local crafts store because, well, test tubes are cool. I've been planning to make a rack for them ever since. Now I found them and finally did it. It still lacks a some sanding and staining, but you get the point:

Airship project #3

Today I got the arcs glued on their places. Next step is to start attaching boards to them.. and that's going to be one hell of a work. I have to start by sawing those boards first, then steaming them and finally fitting and gluing.. fortunately, I have lots of time. Which is why I got to start this project in the first place.

lauantai 26. marraskuuta 2011

Airship project #2

Starting to trace patterns on a 6mm plywood.
That's an old woodcut plate made by my mother. She didn't need it anymore.

Here you can see better the material

Roughly cut pieces

This is how far I got yesterday (didn't have time to upload photos until now).

torstai 24. marraskuuta 2011

Airship project #1

A few weeks ago I went to see this new Three Musketeers movie. It was quite entertaining (no-brainer but entertaining) and left me with an obsession to those Da Vinci's (allegedly) airships (see pic here).

I've been planning and visualising a miniature since then and today I started making 1:1 scale drawings.
It's just the beginning for the structure and heavily based on English an Flemish galleons from 17th century but I'm quite excited.

tiistai 22. marraskuuta 2011

Our Lady of Serpent Slaying

I don't know if this kind of technique has fancy name of its own, anyway I coated a glass plate with black wall paint and scratched the picture on the fresh paint with a wooden stick (first object I found on the floor).
The whole thing took like five minutes to do, although I have thought this for quite a while.
I might continue with this.
I should get an even-coloured, illuminated background for it so it'd show well.

Self portrait- project #2

Light layer of paint and Y-cut in the chest. 

Here you can see better the lamp it's hanging on

torstai 27. lokakuuta 2011

Gift paper

Well to be honest I just made this Photoshop pattern, but it'd be cool as gift paper.

keskiviikko 26. lokakuuta 2011

Self portrait- project #1

Phase 1: frontal torso

Phase 2: head

Raw plaster cast of my torso and head. It looks damn scary and haunting.
Not sure of the result yet but I guess it won't get any nicer from this.
 Stay tuned.

torstai 22. syyskuuta 2011

Hula-girls & Satan

I was designing a tattoo for a friend, and lost my temper after version 18 or so saying she should just let me do it my way and it'll be good.. well, she told me if I was allowed to do that, she'd be tattooed full of hula-girls and satan.

It actually sounds good.

So, as I was trying to hang my Triptych to the wall, I got attracted to its dirty black backside and drew this on it with blackboard chalks.

tiistai 6. syyskuuta 2011

Triptych Painting Project pt. 3: Ready

My Triptych is finally ready! Painted with tattoo inks, lined with felt-tip marker on some sort of wall panel chipboard. About 1 meter high.


Also started this with marker and pencil on a scrap piece of plywood:

I'm obsessed with calling it "The Fields of Nephilim", though it really doesn't make much sense :P
Not ready yet.

torstai 18. elokuuta 2011

Semi-dead self portrait

I started touching bones on my face while drawing a skull.. and wanted to try this out. Made after a photo I took of myself last winter.

tiistai 16. elokuuta 2011

Triptych Painting Project

I started this a while ago but been busy with other stuff lately. It'll be cool. Painted with tattoo inks on some sort of wall panel.

sunnuntai 14. elokuuta 2011


Some jewelry update!

First, there's this sterling silver winged skull ring:

And then this project-stage skull made from moose horn, ca. 3cm in height:

maanantai 8. elokuuta 2011


A friend of mine linked me these absolutely breathtaking photos: http://smashingpicture.com/surreal-photography-by-robert-and-shana-parkeharrison/

So.. as usual, I had to do a poor imitation.

Landscape: night-fate-stock
Suit dude: rhyfelwr-stock
Paper & metal textures: [same as in that TV-head tutorial]
Birds, megaphone etc. via Google Image search.

sunnuntai 7. elokuuta 2011

Iä! Iä!

Self-explanatory, aye?

Made on a dragon image I saw in Facebook (a friend was tagged to it). Contains various landscapes I googled and some textures (skin, paper etc.)

Digital Potrait

Gave another try to drawing in photoshop, still operating with mouse.
Fun, yeah, but not for my patience. I still enjoy more getting my hands dirty and actually having that touch to what I do.

Still... she's cute.

Road Rage

Found his tutorial: http://photoshoptutorials.ws/photoshop-tutorials/photo-manipulation/create-a-mysterious-and-eerie-surreal-image-in-photoshop.html
(reminds me of cover art from Katatonia's Viva Emptiness).
Did it through and then modified it a bit.

Which was nice.

torstai 7. heinäkuuta 2011


Hooray, I finally got myself to try painting!

I've only tried painting with acrylics about ten years ago (plus some small watercolour stuff every now and then).
Now I took this hardboard I saved from a shelf that went to garbage and some Chinese tattoo inks I found from my workspace's storage (I suppose they are tattoo inks, wouldn't use those bottles for tattooing) and did this imitation of Mike Mignola's female werewolf from Hellboy: Wolves of St. August.

Size is about 100x50 centimeters.
It's not completely ready but I'm quite happy with what I got done on the first day!

Gas mask update

Some progress on the standing lamp:

Paint job roughly done. To be continued...

sunnuntai 22. toukokuuta 2011

Digital drawing

I had time for once, so I tried drawing/painting in Photoshop. I still haven't got myself a drawing pad, so it's pure mousework...
This is the quick doodle I started with:

It was supposed to be female..

Well anyway, this is how it turned out:

It has something very Lovecraft-ish in it. Now I'm waiting for
a) Nightmares
b) Seeing this dude in real life some day
c) Bumping into some dusty old book and finding this man's picture in it.

Either way, I'm quite happy with my first try :P